The Volume-Volatility Correlation metric measures the relationship between trading volume and price volatility. It indicates whether volumes align with or diverge from volatility. High positive correlation implies volatility rises with volume. Low/negative correlation means volatility is disconnected from volumes.
The Volume-Volatility Correlation is calculated using the Pearson correlation coefficient between minutely volume and volatility values, aggregated on an hourly basis. The Pearson correlation coefficient is a measure of the linear correlation between two variables, giving a value between -1 and 1. A value of 1 implies a perfect positive correlation, 0 implies no correlation, and -1 implies a perfect negative correlation.
The formula for calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient r is as follows:
: This metric calculates the hourly correlation between the volume and volatility of a cryptocurrency pair. It is only available for a granularity of 1 hour due to its calculation method. The metric is a floating-point number representing the correlation coefficient.
A consistently low correlation (significantly below 0.4) between volume and volatility over extended periods. This might suggest artificial trading volume, as real market trades typically correlate with price volatility.
"timestamp": "2024-01-18T10:00:00.000Z",
"marketvenueid": "binance",
"pairid": "ada-usdt",
"volume": 4150126.2,
"volatility": 0.0001,
"vvcorrelation": 0.6783186984859289
In this example, we will analyze the vvcorrelation
metric for the ADA-USDT trading pair on the Binance exchange over a 24-hour period. Our goal is to understand how the trading volume and volatility are correlated within this period and interpret the implications of this correlation for traders and market analysts.
data for each hour over a 24-hour period.To visualize the data, we’ll plot the vvcorrelation
values on the y-axis against the hourly timestamps on the x-axis. This will help us observe any trends or patterns in the correlation over the specified period.
Analyzing the chart depicting the hourly Volume-Volatility Correlation for the ADA-USDT pair on Binance reveals several key insights:
Fluctuation in Correlation: The chart shows noticeable fluctuations in the metric. This suggests variability in how closely volume and volatility are related in this market.
Low Correlation Intervals: The chart also shows intervals where the correlation is lower. During these times, the link between trading volume and price volatility is weaker. This could happen when volume changes are not significantly impacting price volatility but rather are affected by trading bots.