Inca Digital API Hub
This API covers sanctions data listed by OFAC regarding entities, their properties and relations. The API offers a number of routes for searching across sanctioned entities and their various features.
The Stablecoin Depeg Detection API provides historical monitoring of depegging events for various USD-pegged stablecoins. The API calculates the deviation from the $1 peg based on the specified time range, stablecoin pair, and user-defined threshold. The data is available since February 2024 and has an approximate delay of 20 minutes.
The Inca Digital BRAD API provides alerts for fintech entities across different topics based on social media data. The API supports an alert search by topic and entity.
The Cross-Market Surveillance API provides comprehensive market data analytics and surveillance across various cryptocurrency exchanges.
**HISTORICAL** cryptocurrency financial data API for major exchanges. Provides OHLCV & VWAP metrics and Trade Level data. **Data available up to 22.02.2024. For later data, use the Cross Market Surveillance API, which offers OHLCV data and additional metrics.**